To utilize the functionality of Mobile Status & Navigation Bar in your code, include the following line:

using SaariTech.UI;

You have two options for accessing the component:

1. Accessing the component statically: You can directly access the component from the current activated GameObject and its methods without adding the object to your code. For example:

// Execute the code statically

2. Using the component as a reference: Instantiate an object of the component class and access its methods and properties. For example:

// Get the component
MobileStatusNavigationBar mobileStatusNavigationBar = GetComponent<MobileStatusNavigationBar>();

// Execute the code dynamically

Here are the C# public functions you can use in both dynamic and static method:

To show and hide the status and navigation bar:

// === Status & Navigation ===

// === Status ===

// === Navigation ===

To set the background color of the status and navigation bars:

// === Status & Navigation ===
StatusNavigation.SetColor(Color color);

// === Status ===
StatusBar.SetColor(Color color);

// === Navigation ===
NavigationBar.SetColor(Color color);

To set the background color to light or dark mode:

// === Status & Navigation ===

// === Status ===

// === Navigation ===

To modify the color of the light and dark mode templates:

Please note that these methods will update the color template, you still need to run StatusNavigation.SetLightMode(); or StatusNavigation.SetDarkMode(); or other Light & Dark Mode Toggle to apply update the color of the system bars.

// === Status & Navigation ===
StatusNavigation.ChangeLightModeColorTemplate(Color color);
StatusNavigation.ChangeDarkModeColorTemplate(Color color);

// === Status ===
StatusBar.ChangeLightModeColorTemplate(Color color);
StatusBar.ChangeDarkModeColorTemplate(Color color);

// === Navigation ===
NavigationBar.ChangeLightModeColorTemplate(Color color);
NavigationBar.ChangeDarkModeColorTemplate(Color color);

Andorid Custom Proguard File:

If you are using Android Proguard (Minify), include this line in Assets/Plugins/Android/proguard-user.txt to keep the Java code of Mobile Status & Navigation bar.

-keep class com.saaritech.uistatusnavigationbar.* { *; }

If you’re seeking more advanced functionalities, you may find the C# Code Part 2 useful. It offers additional resources and information that can further extend your options with the Asset.